

Packing your storage unit – General Tips

  • Plan your storage space, either by room or with items you need to access most often towards the front
  • Leave a small space around the perimeter of your storage unit to aid in circulation
  • Start packing items at the back of your unit and utilise the front for odd shaped items
  • Store longer items vertically – Stack lighter boxes on top of heavier boxes
  • Don’t over pack boxes to the point that they will be too hard to lift, or mark as heavy to avoid injury
  • Where possible remove the legs from items of furniture e.g. bed bases, tables etc. If not, place a mat or protective plastic on the floor and lay items face down with the legs pointing up
  • Cover furniture with blankets or plastic covers to protect against dust, especially lounges and anything of value
  • Don’t place heavy or fragile items on upholstered or fragile material items
  • Label every box with its contents, the date and the room
  • Tape or bag items such as nuts and bolts, bed feet to the item they belong to
  • Invest in a safe spot priority box, for items that are needed first after moving